A healthy workforce is the backbone of any company.

WORKCOVER and TAC (Transport and Accident Commission)

Can I see a GP for my WorkCover or TAC claim?

You may choose to involve us in your Workcover or TAC claims. If you are an existing patient at our clinic, any new claims may be considered at the discretion of your doctor.

What does my claim cover?

Consultations in regards to your WorkCover or TAC claim will be billed in accordance with our clinic billing policy, which means there will be a gap payment (billed to you, not WorkCover or TAC). This will need to be paid in full on the day of the consultation.

Workcover and TAC will reimburse you according to their schedule of fees.

Any other health care issues require a separate appointment and shall be billed in accordance with our usual policy. it is requested you book two appointments if you wish to discuss issues related to your general health on the day of your WorkCover/TAC appointment so we can accommodate this.

Our Services

General Medicine
General Practice - Bendigo GP Clinic - Lucan St Medical Clinic
Women's Health
Women's Health - Bendigo GP Clinic - Lucan St Medical Clinic
Children's Health
Paeditatrics - Bendigo GP Clinic - Lucan St Medical Clinic
Mental Health
Mental Health - Bendigo GP Clinic - Lucan St Medical Clinic
Men's Health
Men's Health - Bendigo GP Clinic - Lucan St Medical Clinic
Skin Health
Skin Health - Bendigo GP Clinic - Lucan St Medical Clinic
Chronic Disease
Chronic Disease - Bendigo GP Clinic - Lucan St Medical Clinic
TAC / WorkCover 
TAC / Medicare / Medicals - Bendigo GP Clinic - Lucan St Medical Clinic